
Penal Medicine

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A secure walkway for inmates

After seven months of renovation, the hospital cell unit (UCH) has been re-opened. This secure medical facility hosts inmate-patients incarcerated in prisons in western Switzerland and Ticino. It enables the hospitalisation of people with pathologies related to internal medicine, other medical specialties and those in need of surgery.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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The largest Maternity hospital in Switzerland is growing

2015 marked the end of the structural work on the third stage of the new Maternity hospital. This final phase marks the end of the expansion of this Geneva Maternity hospital, which started in 2006, financed by investment funds voted by the Grand Council.

Gynécologie - Obstétrique

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La plus grande Maternité suisse s'agrandit

2015 a marqué la fin des travaux de gros oeuvre de la troisième étape de la nouvelle Maternité. Cette dernière phase marque la fin de l’extension de la Maternité genevoise, entamée en 2006 et financée par des crédits d’investissement votés par le Grand Conseil.

Laboratory Medicine

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A showcase for analysis and research

Located at the heart of the hospital site, the laboratories and research building is now operational. It brings together all the HUG's clinical laboratories. This combination ensures more efficient management of the analysis process, providing increased safety and comfort for the patient.

Médecine de laboratoire

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Un écrin pour les analyses et la recherche

Situé au coeur de la cité hospitalière, le bâtiment des laboratoires et de recherche est opérationnel. Il réunit l’ensemble des laboratoires de production des HUG. Ce regroupement assure une gestion plus efficiente du processus d’analyse, offrant davantage de sécurité et de confort pour le patient.
