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Removal of the gallbladder without endoscopy

Every year, 500 patients are admitted to HUG A&E with a gallbladder problem. They mostly come with acute abdominal pain and stones in the gallbladder, visible on ultrasound. Usually, these patients are first offered an endoscopy to view any stones stuck in the bile duct, then the gallbladder is removed as a second stage. 


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The benefits of an "error room"

To strengthen training, the HUG pharmacy came up with the idea of setting up a fictitious patient bedroom containing errors related to the preparation and administration of injectable drugs. At the same time, an e-learning module was developed based on research. 


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Intérêt d'une chambre des erreurs

Pour renforcer la formation, la pharmacie des HUG a eu l’idée de mettre en place une chambre de patient fictive contenant des erreurs en lien avec la préparation et l’administration de médicaments injectables. Parallèlement un module d’e-learning a été conçu à partir de travaux de recherches. 

Intensive care

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Preventing pneumonia

In ICU, ventilator-associated pneumonia is the most common of all hospital-acquired infections. Its consequences include a longer duration of mechanical ventilation, more time spent in ICU and the hospital, and a high mortality rate. 

Soins intensifs

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Prévenir les pneumonies

Aux soins intensifs, la pneumonie associée à la ventilation mécanique est l’infection nosocomiale la plus fréquente. Elle entraîne une prolongation de la durée de ventilation mécanique, du temps de séjour aux soins intensifs et à l’hôpital, ainsi qu’une surmortalité. 
