


My feet and hands are swollen, what should I do?

Edema of the hands and feet are common in the third trimester of pregnancy. They are more likely to occur with prolonged standing or heat. But beware, if they increase suddenly, if they are accompanied by headaches, "floaters" in front of the eyes, ringing in the ears, nausea, vomiting, irritability and/or pain in the upper part of the stomach, consult your physician quickly as this could indicate a pregnancy-related disease, pre-eclampsia.

Practical advice:

Fetal movements

My baby is moving much less than usual or not at all?

In the event of decreased fetal movement or absence of fetal movement, consult your physician quickly.
Firstly, make sure you have eaten recently, drink a very sugary drink, lie down on your side; after a moment's rest the baby should move otherwise stimulate your baby by moving your abdomen.

If the baby does not respond, consult your physician.


My baby moves a lot, is this normal?

Mouvements foetaux

Mon bébé bouge beaucoup moins que d’habitude ou plus du tout ?

En cas de diminution des mouvements fœtaux voire absence de mouvements fœtaux, il faut consulter rapidement.
En premier lieu, assurez-vous que vous avez mangé récemment, buvez une boisson bien sucrée, allongez-vous sur le côté, après un moment de repos le bébé devrait se manifester sinon stimulez votre bébé en bougeant votre ventre.

Si le bébé ne réagit pas aller consulter.


Mon bébé bouge énormément, est-ce normal ?


My baby hiccups often, what can I do?

Hiccups in babies are common and normal. They are due to feeding too rapidly from the breast or bottle. Caused by a spasm of the diaphragm, they often disappear on their own. If they persist, you can put your baby back to the breast briefly or give him/her a little water.



Mon bébé a souvent le hoquet, que puis-je faire ?

Le hoquet chez le bébé est fréquent et normal. Il est dû à une prise trop rapide de la tétée ou du biberon. Dû à un spasme du diaphragme; souvent il passe tout seul. En cas de persistance, vous pouvez le remettre au sein brièvement ou donner un peu d’eau.