Dialogue between Bruno DUBOIS and Philip SCHELTENS: the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease in the era of disease modifiers

image d'un cerveau
Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève
Evénement grand public

Location: Auditoire Marcel Jenny, Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4, 1205 Genève et ONLINE 

Time: 18h - 19h30

18:00 Welcome address

Giovanni B. FRISONI and Gilles ALLALI, Directors, Memory Centers, HUG and CHUV
Christophe GRAF, Head of the Rehabilitation and Geriatrics Department, HUG
Arnaud PERRIER, Medical Manager, HUG

Moderation: Giovanni B. FRISONI and Gilles Allali

18:15 - What is Alzheimer’s disease and how it will be diagnosed

18:35 -  Disease modifiers for Alzheimer’s disease and how they will be used

18h55 Questions & answers from online and offline participants (EN/FR)

19h30 Close & drinks

Bruno Dubois is an emeritus Professor of Neurology at the Neurological Institute of the University Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris, Sorbonne University. He is the former Director of the “Institute for Memory and Alzheimer Disease” (IM2A), of the Paris Center of Excellence in Degeneration (CoEN) and of the Research INSERM Unit on “Cognition and Neuroimaging in Brain Diseases” at the ICM (Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière) at the Salpêtrière Hospital.

Professor Dubois is known as the person who re-conceptualised Alzheimer's disease as both a clinical and biological condition, enabling early diagnosis using biomarkers and the development of treatments targeting molecular pathology.

Philip Scheltens, MD, PhD, is Head of the Dementia Fund and partner at EQT Life Sciences. Before joining EQT, Dr. Scheltens worked as founder and Director of the Alzheimer Center at Amsterdam University Medical Center in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He is an MD (neurology) and holds a PhD in Medicine from the VU University Amsterdam and is currently Emeritus Professor of Neurology at Amsterdam University Medical Centers.

Professor Scheltens is globally known for MRI-based rating scales for routine clinical use, the most forward-looking memory clinic in Europe, and for raising a generation of top clinical scientists.


Last update : 25/01/2024