Roger Federer and the Laver Cup support the Childhood and Adolescence House

Roger Federer et Bertrand Levrat dévoilent la plaque lors de l'inauguration de la MEA

Roger Federer, on behalf of the Laver Cup organization, took part today in the inauguration of the Maison de l’enfance et de l’adolescence (MEA) of the Geneva University Hospital (HUG). The Laver Cup, a worldwide men’s team tennis competition, created in 2017 - under the impetus of Roger Federer - has financed sports equipment for the multipurpose hall at the MEA with a donation of CHF 100,000.

Sport is essential for the mental and physical health of young people

Taking part in regular physical activity has a beneficial impact on the physical and mental health of children and young adults. It improves acceptance of treatments and patient recovery whilst at the same time facilitating the work of medical staff. It also contributes to the success of pediatric and psychiatric care. 

In designing the MEA the HUG wanted to place participation in sport, amongst other aspects, at the heart of patients’ therapeutic care and therefore built a large multipurpose hall for physical activities (gymnastics, football, volleyball, basketball, archery, tchoukball, table tennis, street tennis etc.).

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Last update : 05/06/2023