



An ultrasound scan is an imaging technique that uses ultrasound. It is used routinely in medicine and helps to verify that everything is well with your baby and its environment, using a vaginal or abdominal probe. 
This examination is completely painless for you and your baby.

During pregnancy, it is recommended that a total of three ultrasound scans should be performed:


L'échographie est une technique d'imagerie employant des ultrasons. Elle est utilisée de manière courante en médecine et sert à vérifier que tout se passe bien pour votre bébé et son environnement, à l’aide d’une sonde vaginale ou abdominale. 
Cet examen est absolument indolore pour vous et votre bébé.

Prise de rendez-vous 022 372 44 00

Durant la grossesse, il est recommandé d’effectuer 3 échographies


I have hemorrhoids, what should I do?

Pregnancy can lead to hemorrhoids. They are due to the compression of the uterus on the large blood vessels, a hormone (progesterone) and constipation. Hemorrhoids can be painful and can result in bleeding, but they do not represent a risk to your baby.

Talk to your physician.

Practical advice:

  • Avoid constipation
  • Your physician may prescribe a hemorrhoid cream
  • Avoid prolonged standing



J’ai des hémorroïdes que dois-je faire ?

Les hémorroïdes peuvent être favorisées par la grossesse. Elles sont dues à la compression de l’utérus sur les gros vaisseaux sanguins, à une hormone (la progestérone) et à la constipation. Les hémorroïdes peuvent être douloureuses et saigner, cela ne représente pas de risque pour votre bébé.

Parlez-en à votre médecin.

Conseils pratiques :


I have to return to work, what should I do about breastfeeding?

Returning to work depends on your contract and your employer. Depending on your wishes or your options, you can continue breastfeeding, for example the morning and evening milk can be stored. You can express your milk and keep it in the fridge to provide meals for your baby during the day. The alternative is weaning, either by spacing feedings to reduce milk secretion, or by using appropriate drugs. Prepare for your return to work by contacting a breastfeeding professional.


I have the flu (common cold, sore throat, cough, etc.) without fever, what should I do?

The common cold is not dangerous for the baby. You can consult your family physician.

Practical advice:

  • Drink lots of fluids (water, herbal tea)
  • For example, for coughs: thyme tea with honey and lemon
  • For example, for colds: inhalation, seawater spray



J’ai la grippe (rhume, maux de gorge, toux…) sans fièvre, que dois-je faire ?

Le rhume est sans danger pour le bébé. Vous pouvez consulter votre médecin généraliste.

Conseils pratiques :

  • Beaucoup boire (eau, tisane)
  • Pour la toux par exemple: tisane de thym avec miel et citron
  • Pour le rhume par exemple : inhalation, spray à l’eau de mer


Fetal movements

My baby is moving much less than usual or not at all?

In the event of decreased fetal movement or absence of fetal movement, consult your physician quickly.
Firstly, make sure you have eaten recently, drink a very sugary drink, lie down on your side; after a moment's rest the baby should move otherwise stimulate your baby by moving your abdomen.

If the baby does not respond, consult your physician.


My baby moves a lot, is this normal?
