


Ressources humaines

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Acteur économique du premier plan, les HUG emploient 11’560 personnes, ce qui équivaut à 9’842 emplois à temps plein. Sept collaborateurs sur dix sont des collaboratrices. Quatre employés sur dix travaillent à temps partiel. En 2017, les HUG ont recruté 1’051 personnes.

Human Resources

11'560 employees* carrying out 180 professionsHuman Resources - 2017 key figures at HUG in Geneva

  • 69% women, 31% men
  • Median age: 44 years
  • Nationalities: 49% Swiss, 48% EFTA** - EU***, 4% other

* 9,842.10 full-time equivalents at the end of 2017
** Nationals of countries in the European Free Trade Association
*** Nationals of countries in the European Union


Human resources

logo - chiffres

A leading economic player, HUG employs 11,148 people, which is equivalent to 9,312.9 full-time jobs. This figure is rising in line with the integration of the Joli-Mont and Montana Clinics. Seven out of ten staff members are female. Four out of ten employees work part-time. In 2016, HUG hired 907 people.

Human resources

Human resources - 2016 Key Figures at HUG in Geneva11'148 members of staff* carrying out 180 professions

  • 69% women, 31% men
  • Median age : 45 years
  • Nationalities : 49% Swiss, 47% EFTA*- EU**, 4% other

* 9’312.9 full-time equivalents at the end of 2016
** Nationals from European Free Trade Area countries
*** Nationals from European Union countries

02 Employees in action

Collaborateurs acteurs - Projets stratégique

With some 10,500 employees in 2015, Geneva University Hospitals represent a pool of ideas that it would certainly be a shame to ignore. Each employee, with their own personality and skills, can play an active role in the joint development of innovative solutions to help the hospital move forward.
