Private foundation


49 new projects

The HUG Private Foundation is the foundation of the Geneva University Hospitals and the University of Geneva’s Faculty of Medicine. It devotes – with complete transparency and rigour – all of the donations made by individuals and groups to funding essential projects to promote medical knowledge and quality healthcare for the good of all patients, whatever their disease.

In 2017, the Foundation received over nine million Swiss francs and helped to launch 49 new projects:

  • 14 linked to research
  • 3 to humanitarian activities
  • 32 to healthcare quality and patient comfort.

Discover these projects on the Foundation’s brand new website.

3 grants

Each year, the HUG Private Foundation encourages scientific research. In 2017, it awarded three grants of 600,000 Swiss francs each for large-scale projects headed by renowned professors.

Last update : 02/07/2018