Supplier's Charter

Being a Supplier to University Hospitals - Obligations and Duties

To uphold ethics in business relations with their suppliers, HUG and CHUV have determined a set of rules to define collaborative relationships that are transparent and free from conflicts of interest.

Regulated Access to Premises 
Access to health care premises is not authorized in order to guarantee privacy and complete confidentiality for our patients and their treatments.

Visiting Professionals 
Visiting professionals are only authorized by staff in a senior role and then only by appointment. For HUG, visitors must identify themselves by means of a generic badge issued at the main reception on hospital premises. This badge can be registered for regular visitors.

Visits to Operating Theaters 
Visits to operating theaters and surgery units are not permitted. Exceptionally, special authorization may be granted if the visit is duly approved by the Head of Division (or Staff Physician). The visitor must register in advance and in accordance with the "application for supplier certification" procedure. Moreover, he or she must be supervised throughout the visit by the Head of Division or Staff Physician.

Quality of Information Provided 
Information provided and presentations made by the supplier in any field (medical, pharmaceutical, technical, computer, etc.) must be carried out only by its staff members who have extensive knowledge in the field applicable to the services and products presented. The supplier is responsible for the quality and accuracy in the information provided, they will be held responsible for inaccurate information and/or presentations that may prove harmful to our patients, our staff or our facilities.

No Refreshments Offered 
No refreshment can be offered by the supplier as part of their presentations (conference organization remains reserved and may be subject to a waiver).

No Gifts Accepted 
No gift or drug product sample may be given by the supplier.

No Drug Product, Medical Device or Sample Given

No drug product nor medical device may be given to a staff member of the university hospitals without a request issued, in writing, by the Purchasing and Biomedical Engineering Center (CAIB) or an authorized person.

No sample may be handed over without a formal request having been previously made by the CAIB.

Agreement Before Any Communication 
A supplier who wants, as part of its communication, to report on its trade relations with HUG and/or CHUV, must first obtain a written agreement from the Communication Division. The use of the logo for our facilities is strictly reserved.

Confidentiality To Be Respected The supplier agrees to maintain total confidentiality vis-à-vis any person regarding the information it has become aware of in dealing with the university hospitals, especially information relating to our patients and their treatment. This obligation continues even after business relations end.

A contractual clause 
By becoming a business partner of the CHUV and HUG university hospitals, the supplier is committed to comply with the above rules and to pass the content on to their staff. Failure to comply with these rules could result in a suspension or even termination of business relations.


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Last update : 19/12/2018